Wednesday | The Day Of Mercury, Budha

Budha: ” The Intelligent One”.

“A male who acts like a female”- that’s how mercury is described sometimes. Which means that his nature is artistic, intellectual and frivolous belonging to the Ayurvedic constitution of Vata Dosha.

Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo. Gemini represents music, communication and even dating, for it likes to have fun and it’s very curious. Virgo represents sacrifice and routine. A good mercury makes one generous, regulated, beautiful and a perfectionist in all areas.

Mercury rules our rational brain. When situated in the first house makes one an accountant, a singer or a teacher, depending on the sign.

It rules electronic devices and all artificial intelligence. IQ is another mercurial topic. 
Mercury is what differentiates human beings from other species. It is our abstract intelligence that perceives and appreciates thoughts, ideas and feelings.

If Jupiter is the science of astrology, Mercury is the astrologer who decipher the symbolism of the zodiac. We will find out about Jupiter on his day: Thursday.

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