Thursday | The Day of Jupiter, Guru

Guru: “The Spiritual Master of the Demigods” “Om Sri Gurave Namah” – obeisances to Jupiter.

Jupiter is optimistic, charitable and wise.

Jupiter represents your wisdom, your religious mind, your generosity and ability to teach and expand your fortune by sharing it with others.

Jupiter rules the Brahmanas in the caste division. Thus one with a prominent Jupiter will be an advisor, coach, teacher or a priest. He will have deep knowledge, faith in God, good parents and for a woman, a blessed husband.

Jupiter means opulence. According to the Vedas there are 6 types of opulences: wealth, fame, beauty, knowledge, power and renunciation.

Jupiter is the main indicator of bhagya or good fortune.The idea of ​​good fortune is basically what fruits are you entitled to collect in this present life on account of your previous lives. “Bhagya ” means opulence and “Bhagavan” is one who possesses all opulences in full.” Bhagavan “is used to address God.

However we being small parts of God have small parts of these opulence. Some have more than others. Some are more wealthy, not so renounced. Some are more beautiful but not as famous as others.

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