Saturday | The Day of Saturn, Shani

Shani : “The Servant among the Gods”

Saturn is essential for the study and practice of any science be it medicine, dance or astrology. Thus we salute him. “तम नममि शनैश्चरं” Saturn is the planet of work. Thus it’s a great day to focus on the improvement of your career. Saturn loves those who are willing to do the needful to evolve. 
There are many sides to work. 
Work means responsibility, endeavor, regulation, promotion, sacrifice.
These are all aspects of Saturn. 
Saturn is also Time. And thus it teaches us patience, perseverance and honesty. An ill placed Saturn shows thieves, liars and cheaters. 
Sade sati 
Saturn is a teacher who will make sure that you learn your lessons. He looks out for our long term benefit and that may not necessarily come smoothly. 
This feared transit of Saturn known as Sade Sati lasts for 7 years. During this period most probably : the things that you didn’t wish to happen, happen. What you didn’t wish to let go, is taken from you. 
However, Saturn does reward good students.
The “you” before and the “you” after Sade Sati.

Who knows, maybe you are going through it right now. There are good results awaiting, rest assured.

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