About Govinda

At the age of twelve Govinda moved to Mayapur, India, where she immersed herself in studying culture, yoga, meditation, Sanskrit and astrology, ever since.

Govinda studied in a traditional school of Vedic academics where astrology, yoga, dance, cooking and Ayurveda were integral part of the curriculum. The school's vision was to give the students an ashram experience to teach character development, philosophy, life skills and practices of expansion of consciousness.

Bhaktivedanta Academy
Sridham Mayapur, India

Let Numbers Talk

10 +
10 +
1 +
Years of Consulting Experience

HER Vision

The first step in any type of healing or transformational journey is to acknowledge that there are certain elements of ourselves which need attention. You cannot understand, what to speak of being able to change, something you are not aware of.

Astrology reveals our karma. Karma brings lessons and awareness of our past choices and habits. Destiny, seen through the astrological birth chart is the mature state of karma. Free will is the one thing which is never taken away and is always at our disposal.

Her Mission

Consciousness creates reality. If you want to improve your quality of life you need to start elevating your consciousness in order to make better choices.

Vedic Astrology proves that there is a deep and clear relationship between the universe and ourselves. There are reasons behind the events and relationships in our lives, and there are opportunities to elevate our consciousness at any given moment.

Govinda's Other Side Of Creative Life

Odissi Dancer
Performed classical dancing in 100+ shows in the past 8 years of learning Career.
Theater actress
Performed acting in dramas since the age of 14 in India, Germany and Switzerland.
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Bengali Teacher
Taught 40+ students so far in Intermediate level fluency of Bengali language.
Public speaker
Lecturer on subjects like vedic philosophy and astrology.
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