Friday | The Day of Venus, Sukra

Sukra :” The Spiritual Master of the Demons”

What an intriguing title for Venus.

Venus is a great teacher, since his students are from the lower class, he needs to be expert. It’s easy to teach a good student, like in Jupiter’s case.

Sukra is famous for his healing powers. In the Puranas (ancient Vedic literature) it is described how during a cosmic war he administered the Sanjivani or a potion that could revive the dead. When you think of Venus you may be most probably relating it to the Greek Goddess “Aphrodite”. Yes, Venus does rule women, beauty, arts and music. 
Many Greek Gods resemble the Vedic Demigods:
Zeus is Indra, Ares is Mars, and so on.

Venus rules natural beauty such as that found in aromas, perfumes, diamonds and silver. 
It is responsible for good taste in eating and dressing. All arts from painting to dancing need the blessing of Venus to manifest. 
Sukra becomes exalted in Pisces because there it dives into selfless divine love. In virgo it is debilitated for love can’t flourish where there is judgment and criticism. 
It would be appropriate to say that everyone wants to be happy. Venus is what makes us happy. 
Learning about Venus helps us understand the nature of love. 

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